Bureau of Reclamation : Bureau of Reclamation Online Bill Pay
About this form
This form is to pay a bill of collection you received from the Bureau of Reclamation.
If you do not have your customer number or bill number, contact your region at the phone # below. Please leave a voicemail if you are unable to reach regional contact.
**List of Regional Point of Contacts & Phone numbers**
Region 1-Columbia Pacific Northwest.............Rachel Welch....(208) 378-5112
Region 2-California Great Basin.................Juan C. Acosta...(916) 978-5040
Region 3-Lower Colorado Basin............................Cindy Rice..(702) 293-8031
Region 4-Upper Colorado Basin....................Amy Thibodeau....(801) 524-3648
Region 6-Missouri Basin....................................Finance Dept...(406) 247-7683
Region 8 & 9-Denver & Washington DC Offices....Tia Aquart...(303) 445-2935
International Affairs-Denver...........................Angela Medina.....(303) 445-2139
..........................................................................Susan Ocana....(303) 445-3178
...............................................................................Kyle Kramer..(303) 242-9281
You may include one attached file with your payment. Acceptable files include TXT, CSV, or PDF and cannot exceed a size of 15MB.
Accepted Payment Methods:
- Bank account (ACH)
- PayPal account
- Venmo account
- Debit or credit card
With an account you can:
- See the payments you made since you created an account.
- Store payment information so you don't have to re-enter it.
- Copy a form you already submitted the next time you need to make a payment.
- Set up automatic recurring payments.
To take advantage of these benefits, you can Sign In . If you don't have an existing account, you will have the option to create an account on the sign-in page. To continue as a guest user, click the 'Continue to the Form' button.
This is a secure service provided by United States Department of the Treasury. The information you will enter will remain private. Please review our privacy policy for more information.